
Digital Reads Reviews

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Quite an intriguing tale drafted by author Anna-Lou Weatherley with Dan Riley as the investigating officer.

A woman had been hit by a hammer and her throat partially cut. She survived. Dan was the cop looking into that. Amnesia made the waters murky when the woman couldn’t remember anything. It took a complete team effort to get to the bottom of the mystery

With multiple POVs and dual timelines, the story was easy to guess, yet it was so entertaining. I liked Daisey’s survival spirit and the killer’s psychotic one. The author managed to make me feel sympathy for the killer. Ironic, yet amazing. Power of words, I would say.

This was book 4 in the series, but I didn’t remember anything if the earlier books and had no problems reading this one. I enjoyed the snippets of his personal life. The book had a humane touch to it which made it a fast read.

The smooth flow, intriguing mystery, and twisted plotline made this a rocking read. Time just flew by while I was stuck to this book.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/3ipcYoT

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/2LAxUNQ


Daisey Garrett wakes up in a hospital bed. She remembers her boyfriend has left her for another woman but she doesn’t remember what happened to her. The night she was attacked in her own home.

Daisey shouldn’t be alive but against all odds, she’s survived an ordeal most would never recover from. And her new friend and roommate Iris will help her get back on her feet.

But Daisey’s mind is broken. She’s on edge, drinking too much and as she sits across from her cheating ex, Luke, in the beautiful home they once shared together, she can’t shake the feeling that she is being watched.

Yet tiny fragments of Daisey’s memory are starting to come back to her.

The missing pieces of that fateful summer night are beginning to surface…

The lies she told the police.

The lies Luke told her.

Iris will help her find the truth, won’t she?


Publication Date: January 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

14 Responses

  1. I missed this ARC. Read the blurb and saw the cover but didn’t know its an addition to the Dan Riley series. A great review, Shalini. Glad you enjoyed this one.

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