
Digital Reads Reviews

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The story went thus

4 friends + 1 weekend +1 lonely house + 1 hidden secret = evil and mayhem. A child Chris tried to tell them, but they disregarded him completely till disaster struck them.

Nick Clausen has done it again, written an absolute fun, horror short story. The prologue of a lone man’s story who had lost his wife to them, those from the sea, captured my imagination completely. I could feel his fear. Then came the story of 4 friends who knew nothing about the horror from the sea which the locals have kept hidden. Disbelief in such tales from the friends was well shown.

In spite of being a short book of 100 pages, the author has given a complete story with varied characters. Disbelief, doubt, suspicion, shock, helplessness and determination all were seen. The friends went through a gamut of these emotions that made this so thrilling. Those from the sea were well described from their looks to smell to their behavior.

The horror of those beings creeping and walking from the sea, those who could change anyone, make them as vile as them were beautifully described. I could feel their primitive brains wanting fresh blood. The way they coordinated their attack filled me with a strange evil thrill. I promise I haven’t turned evil…. YET!! But my niggles did also come creeping – I wanted more horror and suspense!!

Overall, an extremely fun read.. And yes, I read this story around midnight. BWAHAHAHA!!

I received a free digital copy of the book from the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Four teenagers. A cottage by the beach. A scary secret kept by the locals.
And those who come at night …

A classic teen horror story in a gothic setting told in a modern voice, They Come at Night was originally published in Danish to great reviews, and is now available in English.

Publication Date: 31st January 2019

39 Responses

  1. That cover is diabolical, while your vastly persuasive influence successfully swayed me to start reading thrillers, I don’t think even you can lure me into horror – I’m too wimpy! 😉

    1. My new favorite is horror… I can’t see horror but can read and enjoy them…. Bwahahaha 😂😂 *cackling like a witch*
      Can I say – Mogambo Khush Hua – here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Oohhh…this sounds like my kind of book. For a moment there I thought it was a book from a movie with the same title, but nope this is another story. As always: fun post! 😊

      1. Lol…not everything I watch is Anime 😂😂
        There was a movie with the same title, but it’s a completely different story, so it has nothing to do with this book 😊

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