
Digital Reads Reviews

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A twisty kind of a read where the author Wendy Clarke kept my brain swirling trying to figure out what was happening. I read the prose carefully, the lines and in between the lines to get to the hidden secrets. The author was clever in keeping them so deep in the psyche that I really didn’t know what was the truth.

Kelly lived with her family, twin daughters, son, and husband when she felt that there was someone watching her. Her OCD increased due to stress, and it was really hard to see her struggling all alone dealing with everything. She couldn’t seem to share any of this with her husband. Her past and the present made it difficult. I liked how different facets of her character were etched.

Written in dual timelines from her own POV, Kelly now and Kelly then provided me enough red herrings to keep my attention strictly on the story. A sense of someone following her and trying to scare her was well written. What started as psychological games soon showed that it was something more, you could say, a warning of how the past and present were welded together.

Wendy Clarke has done a good job keeping the fear and insecurity alive. A little cohesiveness in the prose, depth to the characters, and more thrill would have made it a perfect read for me.

Overall, it did keep me from sleeping and made me want to keep reading till the end. At the end, I realized the story ultimately did resemble the symbol for zodiac sign Gemini ♊. Two lives running parallel both connected in the past and the present.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Wendy Clarke started her career writing short fiction and serials for national women’s magazines. After having over three hundred short stories published, she progressed to writing novels. With a degree in psychology, and intrigued with how the human mind can affect behaviour, it was inevitable that she would eventually want to explore her darker side.What She Saw is her debut psychological thriller, published by Bookouture, with a second coming out in August 2019.In her previous life, Wendy has published three collections of short stories and has been a short story judge for the Chiltern Writers Group, Nottingham Writers Group and The Society of Women Writers and journalists.Wendy lives with her husband, cat and step-dog in Sussex and when not writing is usually dancing, singing or watching any programme that involves food





Kelly is taking her twin daughters to their first day of school, ushering them into the classroom, her heart breaking to think they might not need her any more, when she turns around and sees that her newborn baby is gone.As a desperate search ensues, baby Noah is quickly found – parked in front of a different classroom. But when Kelly reaches forward to comfort him, she finds something tucked beside his blanket. A locket that belonged to her sister Freya. A locket Kelly hasn’t seen since the day Freya died.And then Kelly’s perfectly-ordered life begins to unravel…

Publication Date: 8th August 2019Publisher: Bookouture



Apple Books






0 Responses

  1. Wow, a book that good, and for this kind of price? Sounds like a great deal. That said, it’s your review that is probably going to sell people on this one, and that was as always a great one😘 The book sounds very good, but with my huge backlog of books, and things to catch up on, it will probably be a while before I get to this one 😅😊

  2. Fab review, Shalini. I have been seeing mixed reviews of this one but you definitely have me convinced to give it a try. I like the sound of the parallel story-lines.

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