Digital Reads Reviews

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A mother-daughter story

A loving story filled with complexities of a human mind along with the emotions of a mother’s heart. A honest capture of relationships by author Anna Mansell was this book.

A story of mother Lisa who brought up her daughter Poppy alone when her partner walked out on her. She found gifts left on her doorstep, motivating her to dig in deeper into her emotions. An accident with Poppy revealed the secrets hidden around Lisa. How far could a mother go for her child?

Quite unexpected was the direction of the prose when the author wrote in the dips and curves in Lisa’s life. There were layers buried in deep. The human psyche and its vulnerabilities were well explored. Drama and mystery enveloped in emotions were the crux of the story. Added to it was the new love and old relationships.

I wanted to like Lisa a bit more, I wished she were stronger. Easy to read at one go, the mystery could be guessed. Overall, an easy to read, sweet story where the author drew me in with the intertwining of realities in fiction.

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Book Links

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Book Blurb

I watch for a moment, my heart explodes. This little girl, dressed in white, her face bright as she swirls and twirls, dancing in the sunshine. ‘Mummy!’ she says, running towards me. I catch her, no question. ‘Mummy, you’re here,’ she says.’ And I hold her tight.

Imagine you get home one day… and waiting for you on your doorstep is a gift.

It is wrapped beautifully, and inside is a notebook, its pages empty. There is no message.

But its sender has a story to tell.

About a secret. About the little girl you once were. About everything you know about your family.

The gifts keep arriving. But when tragedy strikes – leaving your beloved only daughter fighting for her life – the person who has been sending the gifts will have no choice but to come forward. And to finally tell the truth.

Even if it’s the very thing that will tear your family apart…

Book Details

Publication Date: September 2020

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

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