
Digital Reads Reviews

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This post contains affiliate links for products and services I recommend. If you make a purchase through those links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

My Review

A poignant tale where the author Rebecca L. Marsh’s strength was in the portrayal of raw, honest emotions. Every word struck a chord in my heart as the emotions sang its pure tune, bringing unto me joy and sorrow, desperation and survival.

One accident on the beach and Marissa lost half her family. Her husband and daughter got caught in the riptide and died. She and her younger daughter were shattered.

Grief hit her so hard that she couldn’t function. In a moment to escape the pain, one wrong action put her relationship with Maisy at the edge of the cliff where a second accident was just waiting to happen. Her brother opened up his home on the island, and it took huge amount of courage to come back to the land of living.

My first book by this talented author, and I was caught in the maelstrom of my emotions where Marissa’s world became my oyster, and I couldn’t bear to leave it for a second. The opening chapter was the best there was which just made me forget breathing.

There were moments where the raw feelings ravaged my being. And all I wanted was to help Marissa find her way back. The strokes of color in the book were uplifted by the eclectic people of the town where everyone knew each other. Love and support was widely available even for me as a reader.

This book was not just Marissa’s story, but it had her brother’s secret too interweaved into it. The story kept to its steady pace; there was depth in the prose. Family was a big support and complete acknowledgment of grief gave it a loving ambience.

I had my moments of niggles where I felt Marissa needed to buckle up and deal with her grief as it was hurting her daughter and affecting her badly. She needed to concentrate on what she had. I kept prodding her on, but she couldn’t see beyond herself and was quite reckless. But then grief demanded its own pound of flesh, who was I to judge.

This was a beautiful journey from despair to life, sadness to happiness where the words were dipped into the inkwell of emotions to bind my heart with strings of love. Simply captivating.

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Book Links

Disclaimer: This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I may earn a small commission for purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store.

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/33UWwXG (only 99c)

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2Ft2iq9 (only 99p)

Amazon India: https://amzn.to/3j6sHbj

Book Blurb

One tiny moment in time can shatter your whole world.

A family beach vacation turns to tragedy and Marissa must find a way for her and her traumatized eight-year-old daughter, Maisy, to move forward and heal. But memories of what she lost surround her, threatening to take her to a dark place; a place she can never go again.

When her brother extends an invitation for her and Maisy to move in with him on Princess Island, Marissa thinks it might just be the fresh start she needs. But can she really find hope and healing on an island surrounded by the same ocean that broke her heart?

Book Details

Publication Date: 15th October 2020

I received an ARC from the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here


17 Responses

    1. Sangeetha, perhaps you’d like my second book better. Not to say there aren’t some sad parts, but the overall storyline of that one is the healing of the relationship between three sisters. I’m afraid all of my stories have some sad parts, but they all have uplifting endings.

      1. Thanks for replying to me 😊. Sorry I did not mean to criticise in any way. The story really seemed interesting and its not that I dont read sad stories. Good to hear that it has a happy ending. All is well when it ends well. My best wishes Rebecca 😊👍

    1. Baby, you are right. I knew it. While I was reading it, I had this strange feeling you would love this book. OH DJ, the way the emotions were written. I loved it. These are the kind of books I want to read now. She will contact you. Fear not.
      A very funny incident. something about the blurb hit me hard, and I contacted her, for once. I had to prove that I am a genuine blogger. hahahaha She is a kind soul who took me on.

      1. DJ, I will definitely contact you! I’m always looking for more bloggers who want to read what I write. As far as wanting you to prove you are a blogger, Shalini, well, I’ve gotten some weird emails and such from people making all kinds of claims. Also, I sent both of my earlier books to someone last year who did prove she was a blogger. She told me she wanted to review them and after I sent her the files, she stopped responding to my messages and never reviewed the books.

        1. Yikes… life has kicked my arse… and I have been having days when I refuse to talk or communicate. Hence I have stopped taking any author requests as I have been bad with reading and reviewing. You are the only one this year that I have approached.
          I understand what you mean, but when life and death happens, books have no place in my life. Very few know about the people I have lost in this pandemic.

          1. I’m not angry with her and I would totally understand if she couldn’t do the review. It just worries me that she stopped answering right after I sent her the files. She asked for the word files. I have some concerns about that now and wonder if I made a mistake. I’m really sorry for what you’ve gone through. I would never hold a blogger to anything if they had something come up in their own life that took over. I get that.

          2. I understand. there are some bad ones out there. Nowadays I prefer buying my own books or downloading from KU, that way I can write reviews without feeling guilty. I am actually glad I was there for you and didn’t let you down. You are very sweet and kind.

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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