3 Day Quote Challenge: Day 3

I was tagged by Heidi to complete the 3-Day Quote Challenge. Thank you for tagging me, I did have fun searching for quotes, thinking about what applies to me and then selecting one. Check out Heidi’s blog which is pure fun. Rules: Thank the person who nominated you. Post a quote for three consecutive days […]

3 Day Quote Challenge: Day 2

I was tagged by Heidi to complete the 3-Day Quote Challenge. Heidi, completed one and going on to the second, this is quite a feat for me. Just for you, girl, thank you for tagging me!! Do check out Heidi’s blog, she is sweet and cute, and she loves books as much as I do!! […]

3 Day Quote Challenge : Day 1

I play Hide and Seek with most bloggers where tags and awards are concerned. Ok! Ya, I know I remain hiding even after the game is over. But one such unaware afternoon, I was tagged by Heidi to complete the 3-Day Quote Challenge. Heidi, completing 1 day quote is a big challenge for me. Just […]

The Sunshine Blogger Award

To all you folks who know me, you know how much I ‘love’ (NOT) doing awards and talking about the inner me and sharing my deepest secrets. I am still going ahead, shocking myself, doing this award The credit to wake me up from somnolence goes to (drumrolls, please) THE BOOKWORM DRINKETH Kindly check out […]


Here I go again… I ran.. I hid… I tried to escape… I tried camouflage too. I told him I am too boring. But alas… Lo and behold… Unexpectedly he nominated me.. You ask: so many have nominated me, why haven’t I done those awards… Hmmm… Hmmm yet more hmmm… I have no answer…  Maybe […]

The Blue Sky Tag

Oh here I go again , another weekend and another tag ! I hid, I dodged and I tried to jump into the words and blog posts. I even took on a mistaken identity but lo and behold she recognised me ..ow ow…she pulled my ear (figuratively, not literally as she is too cute for that […]

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