Blog Tour – Still in conversation with Steve Moretti

I am still talking…err grilling Author Steve Moretti Digital Reads Blog Tours presents Steve Moretti 1. Your most difficult scene to write in the book? Hmm, good question! There are quite a few that got re-written based on comments from early readers. Most didn’t like Adeena’s present-day boyfriend Philippe in early drafts. I made quite […]

Blog Tour – In Conversation with Steve Moretti

I have been working with Steve for quite some time now. And he is honestly the most genuine author I have come across. He is quiet, sweet, very caring, and absolutely understanding. From his demeanor, it is obvious that he has seen the world and understood it. I must say, he is quite a gentleman!! […]

Saint Vicky by Chester Betty

My review  I read a story and I went into its reality. I found myself surrounded by that reality. Then I met a scientist who made a machine which creates a new reality. Then I saw the people in that reality make a machine which makes another reality. So in which reality am I, the […]

Hemisphere(book1) by A. V. Osten

My review  I got the opportunity to read this book and I took a chance on it as I find myself liking sci-fi, futuristic kind of novels. I am still discovering myself…  Every human needs the personal freedom to be….  The premise of this book is futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, set in the year 2217, where […]

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