
7 Simple Tricks to Remembering Names by Travis Tyler

My review The blogging community knows not, the real life people know the truth. I can’t remember names!! Oh yes it’s true, and it’s horrifying. Especially when I go to the conference, and I am caught looking at the name tags to recall my colleagues’ names. And these are all the people, I have studied […]

The Long Body That Connects Us All by Rich Marcello

Hark thee, oh weary traveller, scrolling down the posts, listen with your heart what the words say to you Take a moment, savor them, laugh with joy, the beauty that understanding the words bestow on you… My review Such is the ethereal quality of Rich Marcello’s words in his book The Long Body That Connects […]

Defining Your Greatness by Lorraine V. Cuff

My review Greatness — how does one define it? The world defines it by our achievements and comparing it with others. This greatness is insurmountable and often leads to intense pressure to achieve it followed by depression if one does not. I like the way the author Lorraine V Cuff defines it; she says — […]

The Brand Strategist’s Note by Sophia S Ahn

My review Brand – a tiny unubiquitous word, which has 5 only letters in it, but yet when joined together becomes a power, all on its own. We all love the word ‘brand’ and probably use it practically everyday. But do we ever think about what goes in the background of choosing a name and […]

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