
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

Who can resist true love and everything that comes stringed along with it, from the beautiful strains of Vivaldi to the hip hop peppy beats of Rihanna. The love can travel along the rhythms of music to flow along the rhythms of the hearts, binding them together, forever. Aah… That’s the power of true love.

This book based on the Hallmark Channel original movie, just multiplies this love between two characters who live life in diametrically opposite ways.

Spencer loves rules, Laura lives life on the flow. Spencer eats healthy food, Laura loves s’mores and pizza. Spencer loves his cat, Laura loves her dog. But live strikes both of them equally!!

The author Alexis Stanton has written this book in such a refreshing manner that I couldn’t help but fall in love with both Spencer and Laura. She has developed the characters so beautifully, that I couldn’t help but look at the ways they were so different, yet having their common meeting points where they were so similar. And it is both friendship, liking, and then love which gives both the characters a depth to accept each other and probably take on each other’s characteristics at some point to make their life enriching.

After reading intense books, it was so wonderful and uplifting to read this book, where love, fun, humor, and innocence resides. The book says it is heart warming, and boy, does Alexis deliver that in spades.

The story by Alexis Stanton, warmed the cockles of my heart, and her description of the ways of Spencer was hilarious. One such description is Spencer’s definition of love

“When we talk about connecting with someone, all we really mean is that their neural biochemistry, in some ways influences our neural biochemistry, resulting in a reaction that people call love.”

Well, I can only reiterate these words and say my neural biochemistry matched with the author’s and we both fell in love with this book. A cozy way to spend Saturday afternoon!!

My rating : 5 stars

Book blurb

Laura is drifting through life.

Spencer has the next decade perfectly planned.

Laura loves her dog Frank.

Spencer pampers his cat Mozart.

Both humans have nothing in common, but when there’s a mix-up with a vacation rental house, they’re suddenly stuck together.

At first, they fight like cats and dogs. Yet they can’t deny that opposites definitely attract. Can they find a way to share a roof without driving each other crazy…or falling in love?

Product Details

Publication date : 17th April 2018

Publisher : Hallmark Publishing

Language : English

Available on Amazon

Clean fun romance

23 Responses

  1. I’ve seen this movie (ok… I’ve see EVERY Hallmark movie!) it was definitely cute! I could only imagine that the book would be cute as well! Sounds like a light and breezy read!

          1. Sorry for the weird reaction. I want to laugh like the DEVILESS but unfortunately I understand how bad it is when you have to work when the rest are relaxing

          2. Well… Let me then tell you I am planning to take it extremely relaxed, I have a long weekend. Monday off… So toodles baby

          3. Oh yea that fire heat… I hear ya… Beating all that with chocolates and ice cream… And yeah.. Enjoy work

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