
Digital Reads Reviews

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I saw a dream with open eyes

I believed it to be true… 

It was colorful, it was bright

It was everything a dream ought to be

The days and nights melted together 

The sunshine was perfect, the moon luminous

There was happiness and blessed peace

The pain in the heart suddenly stopped

The tears from the eyes never flowed

The past and future melded together

The body and mind welded together 

There were smiles and laughter galore

I looked at my dream, so pure and true

Ordered from the heavens above

Everything was what I wanted so

There was ne’er a doubt nor a glimmer

Never did my soul have a shiver

Everything appeared perfect, everything warm

I didn’t think, I didn’t realise… 

A thing so perfect is never real

The cracks appeared, the surface trembled 

The dream appeared, moving far

I blinked, I ran 

I followed the dream

I cried, I screamed

I pleaded and crawled

I did everything I humanly could

I ran through the forest 

I ran through the plains

I ran through the mountains 

I ran through the beaches

When I ran through the desert 

I realized so

The dream stood still ahead of me 

It looked foreboding and dangerous now

It blocked so I could no longer follow

I looked up at the daunting sun

I looked down at the heated sand

My eyes opened, my memory clicked

I realized where everything stood

I couldn’t believe, my legs couldn’t hold

My heart shattered a million pieces

My head with hundred thoughts

In such a time what I believed 

The dream was nothing but a Mirage 

So untrue and false

Ringing the shades of truth.. 

I loved truly as only a woman can

But was never loved back as I should be

The heart which spoke of true love

Was ne’er real, ne’er true

The trust I had on love thrown back

I was just a slice of time, forgotten forever 

I saw a Mirage with open eyes

And I believed it to be true…. 

            โ€” a true heart is never false

                a false heart, never true

112 Responses

  1. โ€œa true heart is never false
    a false heart, never trueโ€ these lines, they are beautiful.๐ŸŒป
    The poem is so captivating. Just too good ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Whatever it is I love dreams… but only when I am aware that ts a dream.. Its a perfect world to be in.

    1. Hello Sir, thank you so much for the honor. Sir, I have commented on your post on fear I think it may have gone to the spam folder. Kindly check that

        1. Writing came from the heart, so didn’t take much time… But words got added when I went back to read it. Today I realized I am forgotten easily. So I published.
          Great.. Waiting for your blog tour.
          I am there for your next book tour… You can play favourites then ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

          1. Thank you… As I said you see into my soul… That’s why you see what most don’t.
            Yp I am planning ahead booking my place in my favourite author’s blog tour in the near future hehehe

  2. Profond poem. Really enjoy reading you Shalini. As much as I like your book reviews, I must say that this type of writing from you really speaks to me. Magnifique! -Dominique

    1. Thank you so much for such beautiful words. These words come when I get intense feeling, pain happiness sadness etc.. Your emotions have really come through in your emotions… Thank you once again Dominique

        1. Hehehe man are you assuming I am doing the award in the next post… I am bad at awards.. I have 8 pending… I just saw your blog it’s beautiful. The format and the way you have done this award, everything was peefecf

          1. Its ok…whenever you wish to do is fine….:)…..yes, I am enjoying my current premium Theme and the wide range of customization options available…..:)…….I am a novice in awards……two uptil now….:):)

          2. People got fed up in nominating me as I do awards rarely so now I don’t get nominated… Hehehe. I would love answer your questions they seem interesting… But the setting up of logos, original links, linking you, linking next few bloggers… That’s the part where my brain stops. My brain “you are a doctor, ask me about anaesthesia for appendectomy not links for logos and nominations.” I am berated by my brain till I end up throwing my gadgets… Hence the snail pace for doing awards

          3. I understand….:):)….I was also like you some months back when I first started blogging…..I learnt everything by trial and error……there’s always a first time for everything……:)

          4. I did a couple of awards. It took me 3 hours 12 to 3 am to finish… I showed the white flag and surrendered it’s too difficult

          5. And people nominate you not expecting that you will do a return post, but they nominate you because they think your blog is great….:)

  3. Great poem….excellent choice of words….how do we separate good heart from a bad one from the start…what may be bad for us, can be good for someone else….how do we define that….should we say that what is bad for me is bad and ignore the world….or consider it good…if it helps someone else.

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