
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

The title was intriguing enough to pique my curiosity about the connection between genetic expression and health. Though the title focuses on fat loss, I soon realized that the book actually focuses on health and complete vitality of the body. 

What makes this book an interesting and fast read is the way the author, John Griffin, has incorporated his own personal weight loss incidents in the story. I liked the fact that everything he advises is a tried and tested method by him. Nothing is just quoted off journals. 

The author has traveled deep into the dark, dusty lanes of the articles published in different unknown journals, which don’t see the light of the day for very long. Only the articles which are backed by pharmaceutical companies are generally published in the well known journals. This is a known fact, I have seen it many times, as a doctor. These articles basically show how certain genes which increase the metabolic rate of the body, are expressed only in intense activity. 

These exercises provide such an environment, ==>gene expression ==> biochemical reactions at cellular level ==> fat loss + improved health. 

I was so happy that John, though being a personal trainer, has put health in the forefront, and not joining a gym. Most of such books proclaim the opposite. I was extremely excited to read the way he has covered how these high intensity workouts can be done at home, with very little investment. The author has also given photographs with each exercise, that makes it so easy to follow. 

There are few parts which I found confusing, requiring a second read, about RPE and regular interval RPE patterns, other terms like active rest, rest pause, blood flow patterns. But the second reading also helped me understand the book better. Also, learning about the type of muscle fibres, may not fit into everyone’s liking. 

The author, John Griffin, has combined his years of knowledge as a personal trainer, his education, and his painstaking research to give us a complete complete book that dramatically changes everything we know. All backed by thorough medical research by the scientists. 

Metabolic training is the way to go. The genes express better, the metabolic activity of the body increases, brain neurons synapse better, health improves, energy levels dramatically increase with such high intensity workouts, just for 10-12 minutes. Isn’t that wonderful?? 

My rating : 4 stars 

About the Author 

He is a researcher and writer with a passion for self-improvement.  He first became serious about diet and health over fifteen years ago. He is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer and by the American Council on Exercise as a Health Coach.  His enthusiasm for diet, health, fitness, and self-improvement drives him every day.  

He has seen his parents and grandparents suffer from chronic diseases that could have been avoided. These companies, which profit from the current state of disease, have enormous political power, and they control much of the information that most people see about diet and nutrition. 

He obsessively dug through research to find the truth.  Many studies that point the way toward health are published in small journals that are not read by most people.  The information contained in these studies provide important clues to the truth about health.  His passion is to bring this information to a wider audience to provide them with the tools they need to improve their lives.

The author can be contacted directly via his website

Book blurb 

Your body was designed to be strong and healthy well into old age.  Diseases that plague us today were practically nonexistent only 120 years ago.  Today, nearly half of our population over age 50 is taking a prescription drug to help them manage a chronic condition.

Today, chronic diseases are striking people at younger ages.  There is a genetic link to our diminishing health as a culture.  Scientists have discovered, through the new science of epigenetics, that our genes express different characteristics depending on their environmental conditions.

Scientists have identified many of these differences between modern people and our ancient ancestors.  They have also been able to observe how different genes express themselves under various conditions.  What they have learned is that our genes have evolved to support vitality.  

Specific activities can elicit different genetic expressions that result in vastly improved health, strength and neurological plasticity. Flipping The Fat Loss Switch will explain the science behind achieving your best possible health. 

It will also show you how you can implement short programs in your own home to achieve remarkable results. Weight loss, improved metabolism, reversing metabolic disease, younger appearance and a sharper mind are just some of the benefits you can expect.  

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then “Flipping The Fat Loss Switch,” has the information you need to make meaningful changes to your life beginning today.

Product Details 

Publication date : 22nd December 2017 

Publisher : New Paradigms Publishing 

Language : English

Available on Amazon USAAmazon UKAmazon India 

Health based on medical facts

11 Responses

    1. Pretty nice… Once I out of this flu virus. I am going to try the 12 minute intense easy exercise… I may not get gym bod but would like to see if it works.
      Also he has backed it up with medical articles so I think it should work…
      Will update once I am out of this flu thingy

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