
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Aria for my spot on this Blog Tour.


The title and the cover caught my eye and simply wouldn’t let go. Jane Isaac had done it again, captured my interest from the first line to the end, briningong me slowly into the center of the plot where I could see everything unfolding.

A police procedural with DC Beth Chamberlain being part of the team which investigated murders happening around town.

Having read books by this author, I was super excited to read the next installment. Jane Isaac’s stories had a unique feature to them. They not only told me the clues and findings of the cops but also showed me the effects of a death on the family member. Beth was kind and gracious to the victims, at the same time, intelligent and dedicated to solving the murders.

The murders made the plot move fast, the cops were kept busy. The twists and the final reveal were thrilling. This book brought a sheen of tears at the emotions shown. There was something so beautiful when a cop goes out of the way to soothe the family members ravaged by the murder.

One of the best books read to escape the real world.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Stuart Ingram was once a respected local councillor…

The first time the police knocked on Gina’s door, they arrested her husband.

The second time, they accused him of child abuse.

But he died a guilty man.

This time, the police are here for Gina – to tell her that her husband is dead. Murdered, just two weeks before his trial.

Gina always stood by her husband. Even when everyone else walked away. She believed the trial would clear his name. But now Stuart is dead.

And his wife is the suspect.

It’s a race against time for DC Beth Chamberlain to uncover the truth – especially when a second man turns up dead.

Publication Date: March 2020

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