My review
I went into this book with low expectations as I have been disappointed with thrillers in the recent times. And voilà this book captured my interest somewhere in the middle.
Emily allows Rose and her son Jack to precede her out of the lift, on to the road, in front of a speeding car. She is knocked dead. Shaken to the core by this event, Emily follows up on Rose and her husband Cian’s profiles on Facebook, believing it all to be true and wanting the same kind of love for herself. She gets Rose’s job, Rose’s husband, Rose’s life. And then the story starts twisting and twirling like the snakes on Medusa’s head….
A fabulous debut by Claire Allan. Her writing gripped me from the mid half of the book and didn’t let go. I spent the night reading this book. The twists were cleverly done. The characters were all 50 shades of grey but nothing sensuous about that. Each one wore a mask, again not the sensuous way.
I didn’t like the beginning of the book as Emily did not come across as someone I would love to read about. She was too broken and weird and weak. Pills and alcohol were her pillars. And Facebook. She was obsessed with its fake virtual world. But luckily for all of us, she grew up in the latter half of the book and the pills disappeared. The book became interesting.
Had the book gripped me from the first page, it would have been a knockout. Overall a thriller-y read.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Avon, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
My rating : 4 stars
About the Author
Claire Allan is an Irish author who has previously written women’s fiction. A former journalist, this is her first psychological thriller.
Book blurb
When Emily lets a stranger step out in front of her, she never imagines that split second will change her life. But after Emily watches a car plough into the young mother – killing her instantly – she finds herself unable to move on.
And then she makes a decision she can never take back.
Because Rose had everything Emily had ever dreamed of. A beautiful, loving family, a great job and a stunning home. And now Rose’s husband misses his wife, and their son needs a mother. Why couldn’t Emily fill that space?
But as Emily is about to discover, no one’s life is perfect … and not everything is as it seems.
Product Details
Publication date : 28th June, 2018
Publisher : Avon
A fast paced thriller
48 Responses
Glad you liked this one, Shalini. Nice review!
Thank you Stephen… I need to read more from the weekend…
Well, Sounds interesting…
Thank you… It was
You are a quick reader!! This book is still on my list to read. I’m glad the book got better but all the way to the middle is a far wait!
Ya… But it was a different read, at least for me. Maybe there has been a movie like this
This is quite an odd premise, but I can see how it would twist and turn. Great post Shalini, I will have to check it out now.
It was fun when the main character grew up… I wonder why people think Facebook is real… 🤔🤔
What??? I thought if it was on the internet it had to be true.
Me too😉😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😘😘
Another nice review, Shalini. I don’t think I could wait until the middle for something exiting to happen. I would have given up before then. 😦 You must have more patience than me. If a story doesn’t hook me within the first few pages, I usually give up and move on to something else. To me, that initial hook is very important. I think an author can lose too many potential readers without it. Hope you are having a great Thursday! 🙂
I am working, so it has been a hectic week… I hope you are having a fabulous time…
I love your reviews – I hear your voice as I’m reading them
Huhhh!! Really… My darling girl, it is you who is super duper awesome!! Your reviews reel me in… And believe me girl, green is not my color 💚
I like the premise of it but I’m not sure I’ll enjoy the first half that much! Superb review, Shalini as always xx💚
Yp first half she spent on Facebook believing it all to be true
Fabulous review! I’ve had my eye on this book, but because I didn’t grab you from the get go??? I’ll have to keep thinking about it! 🤔
Nahhh. There are books like this written years ago. First half is popping pills alcohol and believing Facebook is all true.
Who does Facebook stalking nowadays and who believes Facebook… 2009 – yes 2018 – no ways
Awesome review!!
Thanks honey❤️😘
… People obsessed with virtual people on social media?? How would I EVER relate to that! 😂😂 Well, nice to know the last half of the book was good!
I donno… I don’t stalk any virtual women on mail and here, do you? Maybe Nina does!!! If anyone is the stalker keeping an eye on us, it is her… I am convinced… What about you?
Well, ABSOLUTELY I was talking about Nina!! I was just trying not to use any names!! I didn’t want to call her out with everyone able to see it… 😘😂😂😂😂😂💖💖 (I love you, Nina!)
I agree.. It is always her fault.. We are INNOCENT!!! 😂😂😂😉😉😉😉
SHE shouldn’t have left us unsupervised.. 🤣🤣
😇😇😇😇😇 Ya, that lady doesn’t understand that we can’t be left to her own devises! 😂😂
Well, she is busy!! So are we, making hay while sun shines
Or you could say, when the cat is away, the mice are at play!!!
Ha ha!! I miss play!… I could use a little play… (that sounded sexual… 😂😂 I meant normal play)
I miss both, baby 😉😉😍😍
Ha ha! 😂😂😘😙😙
Oops… OUR devices…. Not hers…. Although, I wouldn’t mind finding out what her devices are!!.. Naughty school teacher?!? 😘😂😂… She’s going to hate me later… 😂😂
We already know BOB hehehe 🤣🤣😂😂😉😉
Ahhhh…. Good ole reliable BOB….
Ahhhh…. Good ole reliable BOB! 😂😂
🤣😂🤣😂 We need to get him
I need him… Everything is depressed
Damn straight. We’ll have a BOB party, pick your BOB and take him home! 😂😂
Hahaha… Bob will be overworked!!! 🤣🤣🤣😉😉😉😂😂😂😂
Psh. He likes it! 😂😂
Hahaha he is certainly not depressed then 😂😂😂😂😂😉😉
I think so happy you wound up liking this despite the rocky beginning Shalini.🤗
How’s your health darlin, not seen you around.
Are you okay?
I’ve been having a rough week migraine wise, but I’m still hanging in there. I’m seeing a new doctor Tuesday so maybe she’ll have some fresh ideas. Thanks Shalini.
I hope so too… I am praying for you Kim… I hope it all gets sorted out soon fingers and toes crossed…
Sending you all the positive and healing vibes
Thank you so much Shalini.😚
Great review! This book sounds interesting.
This was a good book in the latter half
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