Love You Gone was a good read of a missing girl followed by the murder mystery. Gemma disappeared, Rachel investigated, Lee was in a quandary, the only who seemed to have links to both women. An unsolvable equation soon emerged between them.
My first book by author Louise Mullins, the story was told in 3 POV. Gemma, the victim, telling us about the day she was lost and events leading to that. Rachel, as an alcoholic journalist, kept dithering over various details. She was hungover more than she investigated. Lee with connections to apparently all the women in the story.
All 3 were quite unlikable, but they managed to tell me a story which kept me from guessing the killer. Till the mid-half where it kind of became obvious. I am a great detective, you know.
A steady pace with a good, easy to understand style of writing, a murky plot line was Love You Gone that kept me entertained through the afternoon.
I received a free ARC from Coroline and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be read here
Gemma is missing.
Someone wanted her gone.
Rachel wants to know why.
When the body of the missing student is discovered in localwoodland investigative journalist Rachel Harper intends to find out who wantedGemma dead, even if it means putting herself in the murderer’s line of fire.
Publication Date: 1st July 2019
Publisher: Dark Edge Press
0 Responses
Fab review.
You’re a great detective! 😁💜
Toni, hahaha I am sure you would guess the perp much earlier
Haha, Detective Shalini is on the case again😘 Always nice to have a little murder mystery and even better when you manage to solve it. Fun post as always! 😊❤️
I am quite good. I need a badge to deputise me
Haha…I will get to work on making one for you 😘
Cool I like it…
You definitely need a badge Shalini!🤗
Michel is making one for me… Wonder what he would inscribe on it
Ha! Yes you are a great detective and I’m quite sure you had it figured out. Loved that review.
Hahaha it was easy to guess, you would have too much earlier than me.
This is something right up my alley!
This was a fun read, a bit formulaic
Your local detective squad should recruit you!
I love playing the sleuth while reading mysteries 🙂
This one sounds great!
Yayy me too
Your reviews are so awesome. I’m jealous! ❤❤
Huhh look who is talking… Mirror mirror on the wall