
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

If you’re really lucky, love grows out of a friendship, that you never want to lose, it brings colour and meaning to everything you do. Far from changing you, love takes the person that you already were and makes it into a better version of you…

A direct quote from the book. 

Oh, how can I not start my review with these beautiful lines. This is the line which resonates with all of us,  who believe in the magic of love. Some books are magical, meant to be read on those special moments when  life turns a corner, year turns anew, and the earth completes its journey around the sun. 

I waited for the spark of magic of such a moment to begin my journey of reading Emma’s book. And it began at the stroke of midnight when the world celebrated its New year, and I celebrated mine with Emma and her delightful characters. 

In a land of literary thrillers and killers, Emma’s book is a breath of fresh air, where love abounds, goodness fills the hearts, and there is peace all around. Life is difficult, but with books like these to escape into, they become an oasis in the desert of life, with happiness all around to regenerate the soul when going gets tough. 

I can tell you about the head librarian, Lucy’s Book Club, consisting of shy nerdy guy Callum, the elderly gentleman Oscar, the single mother Hattie and the carer of her mother, Lia. I can tell you about them and their stories. I can tell you about the strife in their life. I can tell you their secrets. I can even tell you how Lucy finds a way… But I won’t. 

Instead, I will tell you about the emotions I felt with each character, and how I decided on my New Year’s resolutions from each one of them.

Lucy brought me happiness and joy, she made me want to be generous and helpful. Callum made me want to be a better human being, he taught me that one can come up in life inspite of difficult circumstances if one has the will. Lia taught me to dance, to fly high, she made me hug my mother tight. Hattie taught me that sometimes hobbies can be a way of life, she made me to listen to my creative side. Oscar taught me love, he made me feel hope, that soul mates exist, that love is eternal and life has no time for regrets. 

Emma is one of the few authors, who can write emotions using few words. She writes love, she made me laugh out with joy. She writes emotions, she made me cry and laugh. She writes moments, she made me enjoy each one of them in her book. She writes words, she made me feel magic in and out of the book. What a beautiful way to spend New Year’s Day!!! 

To Emma Davies
Five of the best, you not only gave me their stories, you made me feel their stories. 

My rating : 5 stars

About the Author 

Emma Davies once worked for a design studio, where she was asked to write an autobiographical note. ‘I am a bestselling novelist, ‘ she began, ‘currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ That job didn’t work out, but she’s now a forty-something mother of three, and she’s working on the rest. For years Emma was a finance manager who spent her days looking at numbers, so at night she would throw them away and play with words, practising putting them together into sentences. She now writes in all the gaps between real life.

Book blurb 

Twenty-four-year-old Lucy needs a fresh start. She gives up everything to run a little library in the leafy village of Tilley Moreton. Lucy loves reading almost as much as she loves fixing other people’s problems, so starting a book club seems like the perfect opportunity to do both. As she meets her new members, it’s clear she’s going to have her work cut out for her. Callum is the biggest puzzle of all. 

As Callum and Lucy start working together to fix the broken hearts of the library’s most loyal customers, the first sparks of romance begin to fly. Can they right all the trouble Lucy has created, and might there be a chance for a happy ending of their own?

Product Details 

Publication date : 24th November 2017 

Publisher : Bookouture 

Language : English

Available on Amazon

A journey of love, hope & friendship

30 Responses

  1. I absolutely adored this book! I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between all the characters and I was glad that I was wrong with my initial assumptions about what was going to happen with some of them too

  2. Such a lovely start to this morning with this lovely review Shalini. Love the way you build your reviews❤ Thank you and have an awesome day!👌

      1. I do read some books that aren’t squeaky clean 😉 Terry Goodkind comes to mind. I just don’t like surprises hahahaha. Like that Christmas book that looked like a hallmark but it was 50 Shades of Christmas. 😂

          1. LOL I took a Christmas book from Netgalley that looked really cute from the cover but threw some pretty hot sex into it. I just didn’t expect that 😂

          2. I find books with an erotic element often have very juvenile undertones. It’s like fake soap-opera sex. Then the cheesy lines like, “Her long legs were enough to make any man believe in Santa,” just make me roll my eyes. 😀

          3. Hahahaha…. I stopped reading romance because of these perfect main characters with perfect bodies… I would rather read about an imperfect family saga.
            Kris, are you back with cocoa and coffee cocktails??

          4. I wish but no. Arie woke up crying again and Im trying to comfort her but also “ignoring her” because she seems to be in a chatterbox mood now that she stopped crying. Really hoping that she decides I’m boring and goes back to sleep.

  3. Hi dear friend. If you would be interested, I could send you a copy of my nonfiction memoir book “Climbing Over Grit” for you to review and talk about it in your blog. That would be so kind of you. Let me know. Thanks- Regards- Laleh Chini

    1. Laleh, I had sent you 2 mails, 2 messages on your blog, asking you to send your mother’s memoir. But you didn’t reply even once. So I took up other work

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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