
Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Reviews is a blog-haven for book posts and tech tips. This is a review of a suspenseful thriller.
Picture of Shalini
I loved it

Publication Date: May 2022

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A family vacation turns into a nightmare for Michael Hart when he discovers his wife and two children have disappeared from their New York City hotel room.

Horrified, he fears they’ve been kidnapped.

Michael’s frantic search to find them takes a shocking turn when he discovers that his wife, Natalie, appears to have left quite willingly, taking their children with her.

The police want to know why, and so does Michael.

But there may be a reason why Natalie ran, something Michael can’t tell the police — the truth about his past.

While untangling his deceptions might be the key to locating Natalie, Michael knows it could also be his undoing.

To find his wife, he must now turn to the one person capable of exposing all that he’s been hiding.

Natalie thinks she has Michael all figured out and has hatched a plan to escape from him permanently.

Since the moment the shocking revelations about her husband came to light, Natalie’s insomnia has worsened to the point that she now suffers from delusions.

Are her fears about Michael valid — or a symptom of her condition?

With her children’s lives at risk, the stakes for Natalie could not be higher.

But who can she trust when she can’t even trust herself?

My Review

What was it all about

My Wife is Missing by D.J. Palmer was a fast-paced suspenseful thriller with actions and emotions. 

Natalie learned some home truths about her husband, Michael, that caused her insomnia to worsen and compelled her to flee for her life. Michael wanted his kids back at any cost. Even when he was at the edge of his secrets being revealed.

She was on the run with their kids, and he would do anything to get her back, including using the cop who had joined him of suspicious pretexts.

What were the secrets that was binding them to each other and to the past?

How it made me feel - The Good

The story made me burn up with curiosity to know the threads of the past that was keeping me up to read chunks of chapters. 

I had an inkling of truth, and I was glad I was proved right. But the major part of the mystery was still a shocker. 

I was side-swiped from my blind side as my mind never computed the tangled tangents the story might take. Kudos to the author for that. 

The Bad

The mid-section of the cat-and-mouse chase felt too long. The story would have worked better if the prose was kept crisp.

At 400 pages, only the last 20% were the most suspenseful ones. 

The Conclusion

I enjoyed the book, despite its long length of chase. Go for it, if you get it from the library or on a sale. 

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

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