
Digital Reads Reviews

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Life is difficult, no doubt
Problems are surmountable, no doubt
The mind just breaks, no doubt
The heart just shatters, no doubt.

But then, sometimes
There arises a gentle soul, no doubt
There is humor in selfless depths, no doubt
Making living fun and joy, no doubt
Bringing laughter and teasing, no doubt

It so started
No doubt with a tag and award
No doubt with being a virtual stranger
No doubt about seldom meeting
No doubt about nearly parting

But then there was
A stubbornness born of queens, no doubt
An openness born of sky, no doubt
A beauty born of heart, no doubt
A will stronger than all, no doubt

And she lived
By her own terms, no doubt
By her own wishes, no doubt
By her own loyalty, no doubt
By her own fire, no doubt

Who else could it be
Nicole, the bookworm, always
Nicole, the soulful beauty, always
Nicole, the connoisseur, always
Nicole, the alchemist, always.

And to me
She will always be my The One
She will always be my True Love
She will always be my Big Strength
She will always be my DEVILESS!!!

dedicated to Nicole, my DEVILESS, an early birthday present.

43 Responses

    1. Hey Leslie, sometimes I can write, when emotions strike….
      Other days, I am totally blank
      Thank you so much for your kind words

  1. Okay, now that I’m done work I’m going to have an official tear up. 😢😢 This is the sweetest thing!! 💖💖💖 Love you too, my partner in crime!! 😍😗😗

    1. Really… Omg omg… I just wrote what I felt… It is a huge compliment these words coming from you. Thank you so much, I am just shocked

        1. Amitav I can write only when there are too many emotions. I don’t like feelings, most days I like not feeling. But when I do, I have to write. I have written darker ones. It is in the category musings on the blog. I don’t go back to read them as it causes nightmares. You can read them there. But they are not as beautiful as yours is

          1. I agree, writing is intense, there’s a rush of feelings, too many of them at once. It is sometimes difficult pacifying them.
            I will surely go and check out your writings in that section.

    1. Sometimes I am sweet Jenn… Only sometimes… Hehehe 💜❤️ thank you so much for reading. I have no idea how I wrote this. I cane as a flow of emotion in the bewitching hour

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