
Digital Reads Reviews

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Today I am the host of Sisterly Love by Michelle Vernal organized by Rachelle @rareresources.

My review

Relationship between sisters who stay in different parts of the world are often frayed, and the author has done a great job in showing that. This book is all about recapturing the bond and the love between sisters before the rest of world intruded them.

My first book by author Michelle Vernal, I liked the characterisation of both the sisters, they are same but so very different too. Rebecca leaves her life in Ireland, to take care of the kids when her sister’s marriage is in trouble, yet gets minimal appreciation for that. She comes home with her friend to take care of kids and cooking school so that her sister can make a go of her marriage. It is fun to see her bumbling her way through it all, then slowly getting to enjoy the life, it is fun to see how the kids get their way with her.

Jennifer, on the other hand, is going through her own problems with her husband and is often brash and mean. She comes back from her 2 week vacation without husband and seems to be in a turmoil most of the times. It takes her time to open up to Rebecca.

The story moves to build up relationship between sisters. The parts where the two sisters reconnect are fun to read. And they do make the title seem apt. There is romance and confusion, secrets and lies. Overall a quick, enjoyable read.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Michelle Vernal, and by way of introduction, I’m Mum to Josh and Daniel and am married to the super supportive Paul. We live in the garden city of Christchurch, New Zealand with our three-legged, black cat called Blue. BC (before children) Paul and I lived and worked in Ireland, the experiences we had there have flavoured my books.

I’ve always written, but it was only after my first son was born that I decided to attend a creative writing course at Canterbury University. Oh the guilt dropping him at pre-school so I could learn the basics of story writing, but oh the joy of having conversation to contribute other than the price of nappies that week! The first piece I ever penned post course was published by a New Zealand parenting magazine. I went on to write humorous; opinion styled pieces of my take on parenting, but when the necessity for being politically correct got too much, I set myself the challenge of writing a novel. Six books later and a publishing deal with Harper Impulse here I am. These days I write for a North Canterbury lifestyle magazine and my latest book Sweet Home Summer has just been released by Harper Impulse.

Author Contact Details




Book blurb

Nobody’s Perfect Are They?

Rebecca Loughton’s bumbled her way through her thirty-something years making a few cock-ups along the way. Of course, these wouldn’t be so obvious if it wasn’t for her golden haired, older sister Jennifer.

In a bid to escape Jennifer’s lengthy shadow and to find her happy ever after Rebecca, high-tails it out of her hometown of Christchurch to the other side of the world landing a legal secretary job in the buzzing city of Dublin. A few drinks later, all she has to show for her new life is an embarrassing one-night stand and a dollop of flirtatious banter with her boss Ciaran, who just happens to have a predatory receptionist in hot pursuit of him.

Amidst plans of preventing such a merger, Rebecca receives news that Jennifer’s picture perfect life has a big, fat crack down the middle of it in the form of a philandering husband. Summoned home to look after her sister’s children and cooking school while she works on her marriage, Rebecca finds the reality of looking after two young children along with the bizarre array of guests booked into the cooking school grim. The only bright spot on her horizon are Ciaran’s e-mails but then she meets David Seagar whom she thinks might just be the ending to her happy ever after but will he prove to be far from perfect too?

Book Links

Amazon UK

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40 Responses

          1. Oh man😣 We had a running bout of rain here, too, previously. Maybe it went over to India? I don’t like rain as much as I did before😁

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    1. I am very very slow in the past 2 months due to other responsibilities. Seriously… I am ashamed. This month I have to catch up… 🙈😉😂

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