
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

Maryanne Doyle went to buy hairspray and never came back on 31st May, 1998… Murdered???

In the present time, a woman is found murdered and dumped at Leamington Square close to the pub, McAuley’s…

The first line caused me to pick up the book and the second, to continue with it. Both these lines created such a high note of suspense and mystery in my mind that the pages turned all by themselves.  

The entire story is written solely in the voice of DC Catrina Kinsella in two timelines 1998, when Maryanne Doyle disappeared and in the present time when a woman, Alice Lapine is found murdered. There is police investigation during both the times, and Catrina is involved in both. 

In 1998, when Maryanne disappeared from the area of Mulderrin, everyone was questioned including eight year old Cat and her father Michael….  He lied about knowing Maryanne and Cat knew he lied.. But yet she was quiet… 

In the present time, the woman, Alice Lapine is found close to the bar owned by Cat’s father… Coincidence??? Cat doesn’t believe in coincidence…. 

She is part of the police team that investigates this murder. All possible suspects including the husband Thomas Lapine are looked into. A public appeal for further information about Alice is sent, which brings to light a shocking fact by an Irish man, Aiden. He thinks she is his sister and her name is Maryanne… 

Alice Lapine is Maryanne Doyle

Shock… Silence… Goosebumps… 

And Cat is again right in the middle of it all. Neither can she open her mouth and claim knowledge about Maryanne of 1998 and put her dad in trouble nor can she be silent about the death of the present Maryanne. All that she thought was true, was a lie yet not a lie. Her childhood facts were 

Fact no 1 – her father knew Maryanne 

Fact no 2 – her father had a role in her disappearance 

Fact no 3 – her father killed Maryanne but… No,  that wasn’t a fact…. Maryanne was not murdered in 1998 but in the present time close to her father’s bar. Her fear came from the fact that if her dad wasn’t involved then, was he involved now??? 

The entire story is an investigation into the life of Alice / Maryanne, her disappearance, her name change and her murder. Each part reveals a facet about Maryanne’s past life which puts Cat more in a dilemma. Her silence may cost her, her career. There are sharp twists and turns which make the book a fast read. 

Caz Frear, in her debut, writes well in some parts, builds up the pace slowly, weaves the past into the present, in a deliberate manner. The police team is well rounded especially, the relation between Cat and her immediate senior Parnell is heart warming, so is her love for her nephew, Finn. 

The only problem I had is, throughout the book, Cat rambles on and on, going on tangent lines in her mind, sometimes with self deprecating humour and sometimes with cynicism. This spoils the reading a bit but luckily in the latter half the investigation proceeds at a fast rate, so Cat has no time to ramble. 

This police procedural works at a level where clues are revealed and mysteries are unravelled all leading to the finale which is mind blowing and unexpected….

Cat’s last line in the book goes like this 

Dad and I are bonded for life now because I’m not just a keeper of his secrets but he’s the keeper of mine…

My rating : 4 stars 

About the Author 

Caz Frear grew up in Coventry and spent her teenage years dreaming of moving to London and writing a novel. After fulfilling her first dream, it wasn’t until she moved back to Coventry thirteen years later that the writing dream finally came true. She has a first-class degree in History & Politics and for the past twelve years, a headhunter. When she’s not agonising over snappy dialogue or incisive prose, she can be found shouting at the TV when Arsenal are playing or holding court in the pub on topics she knows nothing about.
Book Blurb 

In 1998, Maryanne Doyle disappeared and Dad knew something about it? Maryanne Doyle was never seen again. 


In 1998, Dad lied about knowing Maryanne Doyle.

Alice Lapaine has been found strangled near Dad’s pub. 

Dad was in the local area for both Maryanne Doyle’s disappearance and Alice Lapaine’s murder – FACT


Trust cuts both ways . . . what do you do when it’s gone? 

Product Details 

Publication date : 29th June 2017

Publisher : Bonnier Zaffre

Language : English 

Available on Amazon 

Police procedural with a twist

17 Responses

    1. Yes it’s quite interesting except for the initial rambling of Cat’s mind but as the book goes on, it’s sharp twists and turns and ends with a bang…
      Thank you so much for reading my review.. I really appreciate the respect given by you

    1. awww thank you so much …its so wonderful to see your comment on my posts …I am going to have withdrawal symptoms if I don’t see you on my posts hehehe
      thank you so much you give me so much encouragement by your words..you have no idea.

      1. Lol!!!! No problem!!! I really enjoy your work. You’re bad for me though because after reading your posts, I want to indulge in buying the book you reviewed but I’m already overloaded with too many that I have yet to read!!!! ……. & you’re such a sweetie pie!!!

        1. hahaha then I will have to ask amazon to give the book in discount for all my sweet friends…howzat hahahaha do you think they will reconsider it

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