Book Spotlight – Corners Untouched by Madness by N. Daniel @MyUnsafePlace @RRBookTours1 #BookBlogger #bookpromo

Many thanks to Shannon and R & R Book Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. Welcome to the blog tour for Corners Untouched by Madness by N. Daniel. Read on for an exclusive excerpt reveal, giveaway, and tour details! A raw story of courage and redemption. Daniel settles for a mundane office job […]
Book Spotlight – The Seagull’s Laughter @HollyBidgood @Wildpressed @LoveBooksGroup #BookBlogger #BlogTour #bookpromo

Many thanks to Kelly and Love Book Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. This is a Bookstagram tour primarily 1973. Malik has always been something of a misfit. Born to a Greenlandic mother and an English-Explorer father, he has one eye of black and one of watery-blue. As a child his mother’s people […]
Book Preview – A Litter Of Bones by JD Kirk @JDKirkBooks @BOTBSPublicity #bookpromo #BlogTour #thriller #excerpt

Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour This is a teaser…. My review would go live tomorrow A twisted tale about a missing child and a known abuser who was in prison! Was it a copycat or did DCI Jack Logan make a grave mistake? The story stole […]