
Book Review – Someone You Know by Olivia Issac Henry #BookBlogger #AmReading

The story ARC would appear familiar ——> Twins, Edie and Tess, one popular, other not so much, both angry, mother dies, then one of the twin disappears, 20 years later, skeleton found at the bottom of the reservoir ——> Who killed Edie? Olivia Issac Henry’s debut had some gripping scenes, unreliable always-drunk main character Tess, […]

Book Review – Something Wicked by Kerry Wilkinson

My review This is the first book in the Andrew Hunter series, a private investigator who took up following deterring wayward husbands, till Richard Carr comes to his office asking him to find his son Nicholas Carr. The book took its time helping me to find a rhythm in its read, there were too many […]

Sticks and Stones by Jo Jakeman

My review Some people are just too damaged and there is no rescuing them, however much the heart bleeds for them Three ladies at different parts of town in different age groups in a different lifestyle have only one thing in common —THE MAN The man who manipulates them, who undermines their confidence, who can […]

When I Find You by Emma Curtis

My review I liked the brilliance of the plot. I like the convoluted roadway to the identity. I liked the anger and suspense of the situation. I liked the helplessness and fear of the main character. I liked the moral dilemma which the concept threw out. Laura goes home with a man wearing a pink […]

Damselfly by Chandra Prasad

My review Ten teenagers on a plane, returning back home, along with an one-eyed pilot — The plane suddenly crashed, the pilot dead, the kids scattered but soon found themselves but with no mode of contact with the outside world. And then there were eight on a island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific […]

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