Book Review – Last Lullaby by Carol Wyer

What can I say about this author that has already not been said?!! Fabulous! Fabulous! Simply fabulous!! I am going through some health issues, and I wanted to read a book which would keep me captivated, my brain engrossed, and switched away from real life. What better than a Carol Wyer book to take me […]
Book Review – The Birthday by Carol Wyer
My review Carol Wyer has done it again!! After Robyn Carter, she has come out with another brilliant main character, Detective Natalie Ward. Carol’s investigative writing is as superlative in this book as her others. The story starts with the disappearance of a child Ava Sawyer from an outdoor birthday party in 2015 whose bones […]
Review – Tied to Deceit by Neena H Brar #digitalreadsblogtours
Digital Reads Blog Tours presents My review The book was a fun read, it took me 2 days to finish it as it was a buddy read with Rekha. You can find both our reviews here and here It also was a mother-daughter bonding read when mom showed a curiosity in the cover. Hence a […]