The Adoption by Jenna Kernan
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- Shalini
- in Book Posts, Digital Reads Media, Digital Reads PR, Digital Reads Reviews, Fiction

Dani and her husband Tate’s life together is almost perfect.
But Dani is haunted by guilt for causing a terrible car accident that left her unable to have children.
She can’t remember why she was driving so fast that day or where she was going.
Her therapist says she should try to move on.
So when their application to adopt is accepted, Dani sobs with joy.
As perfect little Willow nestles in her arms, Dani looks at Tate’s loving smile and knows he will always provide for his family, no matter what.
When Dani sees a woman staring as she pushes Willow’s stroller around the safe, gated Florida community where they live, she tells herself it’s simply an admiring passer-by.
After all, Dani herself used to watch the local moms and wish she was in their shoes.
But when Dani wakes in the night to find Willow’s crib empty, their perfect life becomes a nightmare.
In her frantic distress for her daughter, Dani’s memories of the accident flash through her mind.
And with a jolt she realises: everyone around her has been lying about that day.
Will Dani find out the truth before it’s too late for her baby girl?
Or will facing her own dark secrets tear them all apart?
My Review
What was it all about
The Adoption by author Jenna Kernan was an absolute blast of a book. There were so many twists that not only the main character Dani, even I did not know what to believe.
Dani was released from the psychiatric facility 6 months after the accident that not only caused her twin sister to lose the power in her limbs, but also took away her ability to conceive.
And yes, the author gave her prosopagnosia. Dani couldn’t even recognize her own husband.
A few days later, her husband Tate arranged for private adoption, and baby Willow came to be hers. But a woman followed her wanting her baby back.
Was Dani still hallucinating? Or was there really a woman?
How it made me feel
Enthralled and bewitched by the book, as every single twist blew my brains away. Every single thing that Tate told me about the adoption of baby Willow left me flabbergasted.
Logic and following the clues went flying out of the window when the author f**ked my mind with the way she played her characters.
The subplots were so convoluted I didn’t even find the main thread to unravel the plot. Kudos to the author.

The Good
This was completely an unpredictable read. I didn’t know where the author would add a shocker because at times, it was dizzying as I didn’t know what to believe.
Poor Dani. She had face blindness too. (I thought the author was really mean to her main character, giving her so many problems all at once to deal with.) But more fun for me.
Only one of the twists I could guess, all the rest just blanked my mind. I was freaked out.
The Bad
The first section was extremely slow and repetitive. But post that, the book really took off when the twists started happening.
The Conclusion
A kickass thriller.
I was left with the feeling – Wh-what did I read now?
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Book Details
Publication Date: May 2022
I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.
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One Response
Great review! I’m adding this to my TBR!