
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This book was a shocker of a story. Where I thought the book ended and there would be nothing more to know, other than to read it for a thrill, the story actually started. 

This is my first book by Sue Fortin,  and I was bloody well enthralled to leave other work and get to the last page. It was a race against time. This is the book which made me go ‘One more chapter and I would sleep’ till the end. 

All the credit goes to the author, Sue Fortin. She starts the story as a routine murder mystery. Joanne invites her friends Carys, Andrea, and Zoe to her adventure themed birthday weekend in a cottage in an isolated part of Scotland. And one of them dies. Which one of them is a killer? 

I liked the way the location of the story, in the middle of nowhere, with no compass, no phones, no means of communication other than a walkie talkie. With the dead body shifted to the shed, with every friend having a motive for murder, with every friend having the opportunity to murder, doubts and suspicions arise. 

There were twists and turns to keep the adrenaline flowing. I did guess the killer, but it was fun to see the story rush to its finale. I love books which follow their own definitions and logic. The twisted mind of a killer, the need for revenge, and the sub-layers in the plots are all well weaved into this story by Sue Fortin. 

There are a few niggles; I wanted main character, Carys to be stronger than what she was shown in the story. She came across as an escapist, at least to me. I wanted more background about their friendship. It did come across in bits and pieces in the mystery. 

Action and drama, murder and suspicion, friends and hidden enemies, this book gives it all with Sue Fortin at its helm… 

My rating : 4 stars 

About the Author 

Sue Fortin was born in Hertfordshire but had a nomadic childhood, moving often with her family, before eventually settling in West Sussex. She is married with four children, all of whom patiently give her the time to write but, when not behind the keyboard, she likes to spend time with them, enjoying both the coast and the South Downs between which they are nestled. Sue is a member of the Crime Writers’ Association.

Book blurb

When Joanne’s friends, Carys, Andrea, Zoe reluctantly accept an invitation to her birthday party, it quickly becomes clear that there is more to this weekend than they are expecting.

One of them is hiding a secret.
And Joanne is planning to reveal it…

A weekend away in a cottage in the woods sounds like fun – until no one can hear your cries for help.

Four friends.

A party to die for. 

Who will survive?

Product Details 

Publication date :14th November 2017

Publisher : HarperImpulse

Language : English

Available on Amazon

A little murder amongst friends 

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