
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

Cassandra comes home, after being fired from her event management job in London, back to Seashell Cove and finds everything changed. The Cafe has modernized, her brother Rob has left the band to become a teacher, her best friends are back home and working at/near the Cafe, an old crush Danny is everywhere she goes, her prim and proper Nan is going au naturel, including an outdoor outhouse (if you know what I mean)

Coming back home to lick her wounds and start her own business, but finding everything changed, is shocking at first to Cassie (as she likes to be called) and she does become a bossy know-it-all who wants to start her own event management company in this town, soon realizes some truths about herself and her world.

My first book by Karen Clarke, a fast paced book, easy to read, easy to get immersed in the fictional place, with the chapters flowing smoothly and pages turning quickly. I didn’t like the main character Cassie at all, but the love interest Danny and hilarious Nan, and the rest of the characters more than made up for her attitude. All were just so cute. Innocent, likable characters, old best friends, new-old love, a lovely beach, beautiful warm cafe – what more can I ask for?

A light-hearted, feel good, warm story is what this book is all about with an underlying theme of loving what you do and rediscovering oneself. This book by Karen Clarke is the one which warmed my heart and made me happy reading it. It pulled me out of my reading slump and I got my mojo back. A refreshing change from my usual genre.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4 stars

About the Author

Karen Clarke lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children where she writes romantic comedy novels (also known as chick lit) and short stories for women’s magazines in the UK and abroad.

Over the years she has been a secretary/bookkeeper, a wedding photographer, a pub manager, she has worked in a supermarket, a newsagent’s, and as a librarian – all good for story ideas.

She now writes full-time, and when she is not writing she reads a lot, enjoys walking – which is good for plot-wrangling and ideas – watching series on Netflix (The Walking Dead, Bloodline and The Night Of are current favourites) baking and eating cakes. And then more walking to work off the cakes.

Book blurb

When Cassie Maitland needs a holiday from her glamorous but stressful job in event management, she escapes home to gorgeous Seashell Cove, where her family’s cosy café sits perched on the cliffs above sparkling waves and golden sand.

But a lot has changed while Cassie’s been away: her parents have transformed their tired café into a welcoming haven, her friends Meg and Tilly have whole new lives, and old flame Danny’s twinkling eyes and winning smile make Cassie feel even more flustered than they used to.

Keen to throw herself back into local life, Cassie starts to run themed events – including a not entirely successful cat-café day, complete with dozens of felines. Luckily Danny is always around to lend a helping hand, and Cassie soon begins to wonder if her life in London was really all she made it out to be…

Could a new start in Seashell Cove be exactly what Cassie needs?

Product Details

Publication date : 15th March, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

Language : English

Available on Amazon

Hilarious feel good story

17 Responses

    1. Thank you so much. The main character wanted to stamp her foot and screech all the time. She was immature and bossy, who knew what others want (when others really didn’t want that) but was totally clueless about herself and her life. But you are right, the secondary characters were all huggable

  1. Nice review Shalini 🙂 I almost picked this one up myself but I had too many others and didn’t think I’d be able to squeeze it in.

    1. I pick up depending on cover, sometimes the covers are so nice, my eyes get drawn to it, so can’t help requesting for it.
      I am a sucker for attractive covers they pull me in

      1. Oh I know the feeling, I’m terrible at resisting the ones that catch my eye and that one did I just already had too many. LOL

          1. Psst…. let you in on a little secret it gets even harder when you get auto approval from a few of your favorite publishers because then you don’t have to wait at all for them it’s just a simple little click. LOL

          2. Oh you are so lucky… That’s great. I would love it if some auto approve me. I get rejected with a click hehe

          3. Just keep bugging them and turning them in when you do get them and eventually they get tired of the extra work approving for them. LOL

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