
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

A love story about second chances…. Of sorts…

Kate is an army surgeon, Cooper is injured and brought to her, requiring amputation of his leg. Kate does the surgery without his consent to give him a second chance at life. Kate has her own personal problems, her son is paraplegic, her husband absconding and Cooper is her second chance at love.

My first book by Rachel Dove, I liked the way she has started the book, the introduction of the two main characters, out in the battlefield was realistic and adds colors to the scene. The conversations between Cooper and Kate in the beginning were extremely explosive and that added to the pitch of the book. The story soon moved to their attraction and their love.

Cooper as the male lead, was just so dreamy and strong. The bitterness he initially has on losing a leg is extremely honest and to the point. The author, Rachel Dove then went on to add layers to his persona. From bitterness to anger to determination to hope and finally to courage. Courage to stand up both literally and figuratively, courage to declare his love and courage to stand by his woman and her child. There are so many nuances to Cooper that I was awed by the author’s writing.

But then everything stops there…

I didn’t like the female lead, Kate. She started so positive and daring, working as a team till the relationship started. Then she went back to her one dimensional facet. I never understood her reasons for her actions. A woman who has seen the war casualties, who has seen combat, whose son is a paraplegic on a wheelchair, suddenly loses all her courage, and I somehow find it hard to believe. She has an almost on-off attitude towards Cooper. And that guy was a Saint to take all that…. Do I need to point out how much I love Cooper???

The rest of the story works as a typical love story boy meets girl ——> they fight ——> they make up ——>they live happily ever after.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher HQ Digital and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 3 stars

About the Author

Rachel Louise Dove is a mum of two from Yorkshire. She has always loved writing and has a had previous success as a self published author. Rachel is the winner of the Mills & Boon Prima Flirty Fiction competition.

Book blurb

As an army trauma surgeon Kate knows how to keep her cool in the most high pressure of situations. Although back at home in England her marriage is falling apart, out in the desert she’s happy knowing that she’s saving lives.

Until she meets Cooper. It’s up to Kate to make a split-second decision to save Cooper’s life. Yet Cooper doesn’t want to be saved. Can Kate convince him to give his life a second chance even though its turning out dramatically different from how he planned?

Product Details

Publication date : 11th January, 2018

Publisher : HQ Digital

Language : English

Available on Amazon

A second chance love story

58 Responses

    1. Oh yessss. He was good… She was bad… But I swear I wasn’t jealous… If Cooper can choose her and not me, he has poor choice 😉😉

          1. I meant to say you’re an amazing woman for ant man. I’m really, really, really sorry. I don’t know what happened there 😕😕😕

          2. Amazing woman for an ANT man???? Hahaha what are you saying I know superman spiderman batman. We have an ant man too?????
            Hahaha gotcha

          3. Your have got me… What was meant to be a compliment I messed up. Let’s see if I can do it right. You’re a lovely young lady any man should be proud to have you ☺️

          4. No ways… Nothing like that. I don’t ‘like’ like him.
            I find lotsa guys cute… Cuteness is just that… Nothing further hahaha

  1. Why don’t you write about yourself, not joking I did. 75percent of I Love Being a loser is my story. I know could not reach many readers. But you can. Write your journey from being a doctor to a reviewer it seemed interesting to me. You definitely will have many readers shalini. By the way just a suggestion. I did not succeed you will.

    1. Vijay, my life is already in my poems and blog posts here on WordPress… So I have written about my life. I don’t go back to read my life again. I am boring.

  2. A book with a difference — The Long Walk Back was one of the finest romance stories I have ever read. Cooper is the kind of man any woman would want by her side.

    I have read two of Rachel Dove’s books and I’m waiting impatiently for her next. I must admit I had given up reading romance novels ages ago.

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