The Promise by Emily Shiner
About the book
My Review
What was it all about
The premise was good based on organ donation and one unscrupulous doctor, along with a weird husband and an unsuspecting donor.
In all this rigmarole, an innocent child and naive wife kept to their character in nearly the entire book.
But no worries, the author tried to use them in the last page as a shocker. The normal trend of a psychological thriller.
How it made me feel
Oh my! I loved the earlier book by this author, so I picked up this one with great enthusiasm.
A book on organ donation to be read by me, an anesthesiologist, bring it on. The initial pages brought the right amount of suspense and curiosity in me.
I didn’t know “Kidney Wanted!” could be put up on a billboard. I never knew the Organ Commission of UK would allow this. So that was a shocker for me. And this was not a spoiler alert.

The Good
I wished I had many good things to say about this book. It started out well, with three POVs, where each told me the reason to be in this equation of psychological thriller.
The Bad
After the prologue and the first three chapters, all the characters kept harping about the same point over and over and over in different chapters. Why? I was an intelligent thriller reader. If I was told what a character thought once, I would remember in the rest of the book.
And the words were pretty much repetitive, sometimes it felt the whole chapter was copy pasted with a few minor changes. Why? If the repeated lines were meant to reinforce and add to characterization, it was a loss. No, they didn’t.
I kept telling my kindle – you told me that already. Get on with the story.
But no! Till 80% of the book, it was the same thing again and again and again.
An attempt was made in the last few pages to give me some kind of thrill. But… no go. Nothing won me over!
The Conclusion
After reading so far, if you would still like to read the book, please don’t read further.
Having given anaesthesia for many renal transplants over the years, just antibiotics and a few drugs did not work. Shifting the patient immediately did not work.
Renal transplant was not child’s play. A surgeon who took kidney from the donor and BAM sewed it in the recipient did not work.
Some research could have been done on renal transplant. Renal artery and ureter had to stitched back in the donor and recipient. Urine output had to be checked. Here it was like passing the parcel.
And where was the anaesthesia team? My team members and colleagues. None.
Nope. Nada. Not for me.
Book Links
Book Details
Publication Date: February 2021
I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.
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