
Digital Reads Reviews

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The secret by K L Slater

My review

I have always loved Kim Slater’s book; her books are twisty, mysterious, and loads of fun. Trying to play detective while reading such books has become my favorite past time. A good side-effect of reading thrillers!!

This book too has its moments of secrets coming out as anger, like lava from the volcano. One spark and there are fireworks. The story is a slow start with Alice and Louise’s points of view. It does go into the past frequently which disrupted my flow and concentration (my niggles)

Alice as a character was well etched. She was agoraphobic, she had her aches and pains post an accident and there was a secret regarding Jack. (Who is Jack, you ask? Read the book)

Louise and Darren, the sister and her husband along with son Archie add the darker aura to the plot. Louise has her own secrets, massive ones, which nearly cripple her intelligence. Her past with Martyn brings its own tendrils of fear into the present. Her investigation leads to her downfall. (who is Martyn, you ask? Read the book!!)

Neighbor Jenny brings a darker aura to this tale, she has a secret life with Mark (Who is Mark, you ask? Read the book!!). A stranger on the tram pops up often times in the book. Alice finds James’ phone too in the café (Who is James, you ask? Yp you are right, read the book!)

K. L. Slater has given a lot of crumbs to follow in this entire book, and believe me like a kid in the fairy tale, I too went about picking up those crumbs. I should have ideally got the gingerbread house or the wicked witch. But what I found was….

Nothing… I am not going to tell you (You ask, I say – Read the book!!)

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4 stars

Book blurb

Every day, a woman like Louise passes you in the street: elegant, confident, determined. But underneath, she’s struggling.

She doesn’t know her sister, Alice, has been scared of leaving the house since their mother died.

She doesn’t know when Alice babysits her little boy, Archie, he sometimes sees things he shouldn’t

She doesn’t know Archie has a secret.

A secret that could send cracks through the heart of Louise’s carefully constructed life…

Product Details

Publication date : 27th July, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

Good Thriller-y Fun

22 Responses

  1. Well written
    Me too, like Kim Slater’s works , especially SMART .
    You did it well
    & that expression “coming like lava from the volcano. One spark and there are fireworks. ” Was really really really awesome
    Liked this review
    Keep sharing 😊

        1. Akshaya, when I comment on posts, it goes into spam. Hence I have stopped commenting as I don’t know how to tell new bloggers to see their spam folder. Since you know the truth now, I can comment on your posts.

    1. I am thinking so too… The review was so funny, I don’t know what made me write so🤔🤔📝📝. These are all scheduled posts…. Hehehe.

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