
Digital Reads Reviews

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The Sinner by Caroline England @CazEngland

Digital Reads Reviews is a blog-haven for book posts and tech tips. This is a review of a domestic noir thriller, The Sinner.



To the unsuspecting eye Dee Stephens has a perfect life as the vicar’s wife: a devoted marriage to her charismatic husband Reverend Vincent, an adoring congregation and a beautiful daughter.


But beneath the surface, Dee is suffocating.

Vincent is in control, and he knows her every sin.

Desperate, Dee escapes into a heady affair with Cal, an old schoolmate.


But is Cal the saviour she thinks he is?

What dark secrets does he harbour?

And to what lengths will Vincent go to when he uncovers the truth? 

My Review

What was it all about

I read the book over the afternoon and till late evening, I was completely mind-freaked about this domestic noir thriller. 

The Sinner by Caroline England, according to me, is one of her best books where Dee Dee seemed to have everything with her vicar husband Vincent, a loving congregation, and a sweet daughter. 

But what they didn’t know the Reverend came with his mother. So she had an interfering, dominating MIL and a daughter who hated and snubbed her at every point. 

Little did Dee Dee realize how much her husband abused her emotionally, keeping her under his absolute control. 

The only one with whom she could be herself was her sister Mari. 

Cal did enter her life and with whom, she had an illicit affair. And they were all connected. And how!!

Wicked. Wicked.

How it made me feel

Mind-fucked. Book hangover. Racing heart. Gasps of vengeance. 

The book gave me a terrific cardio workout as each reveal caused me go – Huh, what did I read? 

More often that not, I kept thinking this author had to have a dark, evil mind to deliberate  such a plotline. 

Abuse, grooming, death, infidelity were weaved in so smoothly that I was completely in awe. Not a single trigger. And every single subplot was so well thought of. 

the sinner

The Good

The author excelled in this book with her writing, the way she linked up all the tiny subplots which nobody, including me, would think about. That gave it an extra twinge of thrill over and above what each chapter revealed. 

The book that appeared to be just a family drama with a teen daughter and a bitchy MIL went on to the darker realm gradually where each exposé caused me to gasp. 

This was one piece of wicked story where the final reveal was so explosive that my heart that sought vengeance was extremely satisfied. 

The Bad

Nothing much. For some cultures, the vibe of a congregation and church sermon might lead to a slower reading. For me, it added to the feel of getting to know the characters until the author pulled the rug from under the feet. 

Slow to begin, some sections dragged a bit for me. But believe me, nothing could make me stop reading. 

The Conclusion

This was a buddy read with my friend. And I loved every moment of it. I was truly ensnared by the author and the book.

I loved it

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Book Details

Publication Date: 16th June, 2022

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

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