
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This is a slow burner of a book, with the characters developing slowly, page by page. The first few chapters had new characters written sharply with no background, but as the chapters moved by, they were layered well.

The story goes thus; Harper and Pip run a tearoom on their Silver Hill Farm, Harper is engaged to Shay and while digging the land on her farm, a treasure box is found which becomes the centre for the entire story.

My first book by Tilly Tennant , and it took me some time to get used to the author’s way of writing, with a lot of descriptions taking pride in the details. The story starts slowly but picks up pace in the second half, where I settled down for a ride.

I liked the latter half of the book where the story progressed faster and the characters settled down well in their roles to make the flow of the book smoother and exciting. Secrets unveiled are always a thrilling experience, and this book does it excellently. I couldn’t put down the book in the second half. Even in between chores, my mind kept diverting to the story and there was this prickle of need to get back to it ASAP.

I loved this book for the second half for the turn of emotions, the secrets unfurled, the characters realizing their true potential, and the way love popped up in strange places. A great way to spend a cozy afternoon.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 3.5 stars

About the Author

Tilly Tennant was born in Dorset, the oldest of four children, but now lives in Staffordshire with a family of her own. After years of dismal and disastrous jobs, she decided to indulge her passion for the written word by embarking on a degree in English and creative writing. She wrote a novel in 2007 during her first summer break at university and has not stopped writing since. She also works as a freelance fiction editor, and considers herself very lucky that this enables her to read many wonderful books before the rest of the world gets them.

Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was her debut novel; published in 2014 it was an Amazon bestseller in both the UK and Australia. In 2016 she signed to the hugely successful Bookouture and is currently working on her tenth Tilly Tennant novel.

Book blurb

Harper Woods wakes up every morning on Silver Hill Farm feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. She’s engaged to the tall, dark dreamy Shay and just downstairs are the gorgeous tea rooms she’s always dreamed of owning.

But Harper is about to discover something that will change her luck forever. As news of the discovery spreads through the Silver Hill, it seems everyone has a secret history making them the rightful owner. In particular, Will Frampton, stubborn and irritatingly handsome Lord of Silver Hill House, the crumbling stately home the other side of the hill. Too busy trying to untangle the truth, Harper doesn’t notice Shay getting rather close to his ex from the village.

Harper thought she had everything she ever wanted. If she solves the mystery of her sparkling prize, can she hold onto her dream, or will she lose it all, and be left broken-hearted?

Product Details

Publication date : 14th March, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

Language : English

Available on Amazon

Slow heart-warming read

22 Responses

  1. I love how you pointed out that the author seems to take pride in being so descriptive. Lol. At least once the scene wa set the story was able to take off for the second half.

    1. I like emotions I like plot, but too much of description, my brain starts wandering and reality sets in. Then I lose interest. But most people like this style of writing/reading. They like to immerse in the world I like to immerse in the emotions. Except when I am reading pure thriller then I want descriptions easy ones.
      An author once described submarine with its various workings and gears and other knickknacks. I got lost.

      1. I understand completely. I need enough description to have a general idea of what the character may look like. I want a general idea of where the action is taking place as well. my brain has been exposed to enough to fill in the gaps. Lol. I want my pages focused on plot and emotions as well.

        1. Wow… Thank you.. I found someone who agrees with me. I have seen reviewers wax lyrical poetry on settings and worldbuilding. I can’t do that. Unless the setting is a beach or a waterfall. Those I like within limits

          1. Haha. It depends I guess. If it’s a really different type of world, it should be well described. That said I’ve read some books where the authors were able to move the story forward even while being descriptive. I like that.

      2. I read a popular book whereby the entire first chapter described the workings of a lighthouse. I was bored to tears with that part of the book.

        I like a bit of description, particularly if I’m reading about foreign settings or extraordinary places or things. But If not done right it can have the opposite effect. A good writer balances their use of description in a way that enhances a book, not detracts from it.

        1. I understand totally. I like descriptions only understand where the character is in time and place. Rest it is the story and emotions which matter to me

        2. Wow, working of a lighthouse. Do the authors think we would like our second job to be in a lighthouse? Well, to each her own. Some like things in detail. I don’t

  2. Lovely Spring feel to the cover but then I started reading your review and see “slow” so I’m backing away from this one.

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