
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

When the title of the book is the surrogate, there is a natural curiosity to pick up this book. When the book is by Louise Jensen, the curiosity becomes a need to read the book. 

The story is simple Kat and Nick cannot have a child of their own, rather Kat cannot conceive. She meets her childhood best friend, Lisa in a pub, who offers to be her surrogate. And this starts a roller-coaster ride of secrets, flashbacks to the past, paranoia, and disbelief. 

The author, Louise Jensen has written the book well, there is a lot of mystery, lot of twists, a rush to a finale. The three main characters play their part very well, there is an air of mystery surrounding their very being. Each appear genuine, yet hiding an ugly past. 

I raced through the pages of the book, there was an almost over eager curiosity to know what really happened in the past. There were a few surprises and a lot of shocks. How I expected the book to go, the way most psychological thrillers go, and how the book really went was far far different. There were certainly some things which I never expected, and would have never predicted. 

The book does start at its normal pace, where all the characters are given a chance to emote and play their part and then in the latter half of the book, all the characters race towards the grand finale. There are twists and turns on top of the shocks and surprises. This book is a plethora of secrets and darkness within a soul. 

There are a few niggles… 

The book is a thriller, no doubt, but I could not connect with any of the characters. Without giving away the plot too much, I found the acts of the three main characters too macabre

The book should have left me with goosebumps, instead it left me with an icky feeling, at the way each character accepted their acts. 

The ending was too rushed, too many secrets, all too soon and almost no justification for the acts. 

The book at 0.99 dollars or pounds is a value for money and is extremely invigorating to read. There is a weird thrill and a very eerie need to turn the pages as the characters reach the ending. 

My rating : 3.5 stars

About the Author

Louise is a USA Today bestselling author, and lives in Northamptonshire with her husband, children, dog and a rather naughty cat. Louise’s first two novels, The Sisterand The Gift, were both No.1 bestsellers, and have been sold for translation in sixteen territories. The Sister was nominated for The Goodreads Awards Debut of 2016. 

Book blurb
Kat and her husband Nick have tried everything to become parents. All they want is a child to love but they are beginning to lose hope. Then a chance encounter with Kat’s childhood friend Lisa gives Kat and Nick one last chance to achieve their dream. But Kat and Lisa’s history hides dark secrets. 

And there is more to Lisa than meets the eye. As dangerous cracks start to appear in Kat’s perfect picture of happily-ever-after, she realises that she must act quickly. But is she willing to uncover the darkest secrets of her past in order to save her family?

Product Details

Publication date : 27th September 2017

Publisher : Bookouture 

Language : English

Available on Amazon for 0.99 dollars/ pounds/ or 99 inr

       A macabre thriller

14 Responses

  1. I was so happy to see that you posted another entry here this week. You have been so quiet lately dear friend. I have been living in my own bubble as well, but I think about you often. I hope that you are ok honey. Of course I always enjoy your reviews (I love the micro read on the books!), but I think I enjoy hearing your voice in the words most of all. Wishing you the very best. Hugs from across the pond. Joanna

    1. One day I will be ok Jo.. Everything takes time. Too many knocks this year. I know what you have been through. I hope you and kids doing OK… Lotsa love girl

          1. Yes. I’m always here for you my friend. Truly. You may not always remember how amazing you are, but the good news is that I won’t forget it (so I’ll just keep reminding you until you see it again once more!).

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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