
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

I loved the beginning of the book, it starts with a bang and is everything that a crime police procedural thriller ought to be

Commissaire Detective Laurent Lefevre, after the capture and subsequent escape of the serial killer Lucas Ivan, finds his wife murdered and killer Ivan taunting him. He does manage to kill Ivan but the entire episode takes a toll on his health and he decides to take a vacation catching up with his best friend Detective Jack Maupois, at Antibes. But there is a new crime unfolding in this town which has taken the cops unaware. Laurent joins in the investigation, and it is a race against time to catch the killer

My first book by Sacha Lanvin, and the premise was absolutely fabulous, heart pounding. The opening scene took my breath away. The book sets a fast pace and around 55 pages, the author has managed to build up both Jack and Laurent’s characters. Their camaraderie had me in splits, and it was heart warming to see how friends were the same even if they met up after years. I loved how they teased each other.

The investigation did wind up fast in the last 20 pages. The plot line was good to keep my interest going. But then there were few things that niggled me. The plot was not developed well, there were too many unanswered questions as to how did the killer gain entrance into individual homes and bath-tubs. Coincidences are good, but police procedural requires good investigative plot. And this story didn’t keep me guessing. At 55 pages, it was obvious.

Overall, an entertaining one hour read. I would love to read more of this author’s work when a full fledged novel is written. Also the story is completely different from the blurb.

I received this book from the author directly, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 3.5 stars (extra 0.5 star is for making me laugh)

About the Author

Sacha Lanvin lives and works in Italy.

Contact details



Book blurb

Young women are being murdered in France, and it’s up to the talented Commissaire Laurent Lefevre to put a stop to the increasing violence.
In a fast-paced game of cat and mouse the respected Lefevre must match wits against serial killer Lucas Ivan whose nefarious acts terrify the countryside.

While battling his own demons, Lefevre manages to hunt down the cunning Ivan and deliver him to the justice system. Satisfied that the reign of terror is over, the hero retreats from public life to rest and mourn his own painful losses. But he hasn’t heard the last from Lucas Ivan.

During a deadly freak accident on Christmas Eve the killer escapes from prison, and the exhausted Lefevre must find the courage and strength to try and end Ivan’s bloody career once and for all.

Book Links

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/VELVET-Commissaire-Lefevre-Sacha-Lanvin-ebook/dp/B0792HKKBN/

Short police procedural

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