
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

I loved the premise of the book

A lost memory of the rape + transformation from pretty girl + the video of rape resurfacing + stress seizures = THE REVENGE

This book resonated with me because of the concept of the plot, the lone vigilante. Dahlia as the tattooed paralegal just seems to be surviving life till the video resurfaced. Her need for wanting the men to pay is justifiable. The author Sandra Block has shown her helplessness and anger in words which caused my angst and ire to resurface.


A book is successful if an author can incite extreme passion in the reader. Since this book is based on a topic which is a trigger, I liked knowing what I am getting into from the blurb, and I took an informed decision of reading it on a Sunday morning.


The story does leave me with some unanswered questions as to who uploaded the video on the net and what happened to the rest of the rapists. The book also has some hard hitting memories. It does follow a bit of suspended reality as most of the fiction books do.

The rapists are well settled now, seemingly in good intelligent jobs, yet their private chat sessions showed not a touch of repentance but of anger when the main character dares to take her vengeance.


The book also highlights what happens in the frat parties and clubs when men roofie the victim and shoot her in depraved acts. This book does trigger nightmares, and I would advice survivors of abuse to read it only on the day they feel strong.

P. S. A few hours later: I thought I was strong till I woke up with catatonic dreams and migraine. It triggered at the subconscious level.

My rating : 3.5 stars

About the Author

Sandra Block is an International Thriller Award finalist and the author of Little Black Lies, The Girl Without a Name, and The Secret Room. She lives in Buffalo, New York, with her husband, two children, and her cute but untrainable yellow lab, Delilah.

Book blurb

She doesn’t remember that night. But she will never be the same.

One moment, Dahlia is a successful Harvard student; the next, she wakes up from a party, the victim of a brutal assault. Her life veers into a tailspin, and what’s worse — her memory of the attack has been ripped away, leaving a cold rage in its wayke.

Now, years later, Dahlia is a tattooed paralegal suffering from PTSD and still haunted by that night. Until one day, a video surfaces online, and Dahlia sees her attack for the first time.

Now she knows what happened to her. And she knows who is to blame. Her rage is no longer cold, but burning, red hot.

And she is about to make everyone pay.

Product Details

Publication date : 5th June, 2018

Publisher : Sourcebooks Landmark

I wanted revenge too!!

98 Responses

  1. Great review, Shalini. Sounds like a tough but great book to get into. I’ll add this to my TBR and read it on a day I’m emotionally stable enough. 😊

    1. I did that too… The book is fun, the vengeance is great though a little unbelievable that it is so easy, but the emotions and memories are a bit tough.
      I ended up with a migraine. 😭

      1. Not good! Migraines are no fun. I’ll stress myself into a migraine sometimes, so I’m so glad I read your review! At least I will be prepared ahead of time.

    1. It is extremely hard hitting
      Thank you Hardip. I had sent you a mail long long ago. No idea if you deleted/not interested/it went to spam. If possible mail back with your answer

          1. It’s not your fault though 😔 actually I found some of comments also in spam 😫 I have to reset my settings 😔

  2. What is this? Please don’t send a link without bothering to read my blog. Because then I am not interested in reading yours. Respect has to be mutual. If your writing material is good, you will get followers, you wont need to publicize this way. This is blogging world, not Facebook. Get to know the etiquettes of blogging first

  3. Thank you… Very hard hitting. I didn’t realize I would be affected
    No idea why you were found in spam. What is wrong with WP??!!

  4. Wow. Sounds really intense. But also good in the sense that it was written well enough to grab the reader into the story. Hope the migraine has lessened.

      1. A romantic suspense. Author request. It’s okay… not bad but not holding my attention so it’s taking a while. Slowing down my June reading list! Lol.
        Glad you are okay now.

          1. It’s pouring cats and dogs babes… It’s cool and romantic (with water logging and vial fever) but it is that kinda weather to read books with tea and cookies. I have tea, I have books.. My hips say no to cookies so it is diet biscuits and tea and books but no lover in sight….
            Books are my love now… Finished 6 in 2 days I have scheduled posts…. Hehehe

          2. And yet you have a post everyday… But for once cozy babe… I have a post scheduled for the next 5 days… Yayyy. I spent weekend reading

          3. Wow. Check you out. Lol.
            I’ve been doing a lot of book spotlights recently. Author’s have sent requests but many of them I can’t fit in to review. I chose a handful to read and offered spotlights for the others.

          4. I feel your pain, Nina! I don’t feel like I’m reading as fast as I used to… Too many blog tours and requests… I need to read something for me, I think… 😕

          5. Oh I don’t have authors who are bloggers who are my followers. I have only crazy ladies… Present company included rest excluded

          6. Oh yeah. The next ‘light’ reading month you have. Leave it that way. Don’t accept any more requests. Leave it open for you to pick anything that suits your fancy.

          7. I’m trying!! 😂 August is still look G fairly light, so I’m hoping (being my birthday month) I can treat myself a little!! I’ve got a couple rough weeks in the meantime, though! (and here I am, yet again, saying this while I’m not reading and instead am chatting and commenting! 😂😂)

          8. My father has extended our bingo Tuesdays. 😕 It used to be just me, my man and my parentals…. Now he’s got the whole family involved… Which sucks a little for me because it used to be at my house, now it’s at my uncle’s and I have to travel… 😕

          9. Hahaha I know!! Well you got to do what you got to do…
            I bid you guys adieu… See you after a couple of hours… I drank a litre of water… 😉😉

  5. I am intrigued, I think this is one that would turn me inside out. Excellent review, but regret the aftermath it triggered for you 🙁

        1. Because I respond to all posts. Wp thinks I am spamming all of you.
          Bloggers think I only like and not comment.
          I comment on all posts which interest me.
          Sighhhh I am stuck!!

  6. Wow. That is definitely an intense book!! I do love a book that drives a passion in me, whether it makes me into a romantic puddle or makes me want to rampage and kill things, that’s how I find my 5 star reads, I have to feel a real connection to it somehow… This would definitely be a book I’d have to be in a special sort of mood for. A little too much for me maybe (and that’s saying a lot!!) but, I’m always down for a good ole revenge run for you, if you need it darling! 😉🍻

    1. That’s so sweet of you… But those child molesters are long gone and dead… So I don’t need revenge but sometimes I am angry and the why me comes into play.. Sighhh most days I am okay. Took years darlin, but I am okay mostly
      Now I have you too to keep me sane!! 😘😘

  7. It sounds very intense but I think I would love to give it a read definitely! I’m a very emotional person so don’t know how it’d work for me 🤷

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