
Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Reviews

Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger

Digital Reads Reviews is a blog haven for book and tech posts. This is a review post of a thriller. @Shalini_G26

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About the book

Think twice before you swipe.

She met him through a dating app. An intriguing picture on a screen, a date at a downtown bar. 

What she thought might be just a quick hookup quickly became much more. 

She fell for him—hard. It happens sometimes, a powerful connection with a perfect stranger takes you by surprise. 

Could it be love?

But then, just as things were getting real, he stood her up. 

Then he disappeared—profiles deleted, phone disconnected. She was ghosted.

Maybe it was her fault. 

She shared too much, too fast. 

But isn’t that always what women think—that they’re the ones to blame? 

Soon she learns there were others. Girls who thought they were in love. 

Girls who later went missing. 

She had been looking for a connection, but now she’s looking for answers. 

Chasing a digital trail into his dark past—and hers—she finds herself on a dangerous hunt. 

And she’s not sure whether she’s the predator—or the prey. 

My Review

Last Girl Ghosted was a book I was quite excited about as I had read Confessions on the 7:45am. The book started fine with Wren making her profile on a dating app, then a swipe and connection with Adam. 

After knowing her deepest secret, he disappeared. Closed all his accounts and ghosted her. Or perhaps he was the ghost in this case. 

Then came a PI in search of girls who had disappeared after coming in contact with Adam or his many pseudo names. Wren needed to know the truth. 

The beginning of the book was quite exciting, but I was not fond of the writing style as it had too many ruminations, though Wren’s world was fascinating as she had rebuilt it from the dark web after a bloody past. 

The book kept going into different time frames with the writing in both third and second persons. That confused me and diluted my interest in the book. It felt the story lost direction as it had many POVs and some of the lines were repetitive. The suspense and thrill were lost in the attempt to build up a darker atmosphere. 

I found Wren taking stupid decisions. The author did try to show how the past would cause the mind to break and then rejoin, finding its own ways to adapt. Wren found hers with an imaginary person Robin. Or was she part of her past?

My mind lost its way trying to decipher the fact from all the thoughts that Wren felt I had to know – actually I didn’t really care about them. The dialogues were quite preachy about forgiveness and the whole book didn’t give me the vibe of a thriller. 

It was not for me, maybe it would be apt for you. Though I doubt it. 

It was quite weird

Book Links

As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store.

AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/30yVEZN

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/3FVlM0U

Book Details

Publication Date: October 2021

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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8 Responses

  1. Holy Moses, Shalini. I’ve been so busy I’ve missed the monster changes in both your blog and Instagram! Still love your reviews, including this very honest one. When, how have you been able to do all this? So impressed!

    1. It was serendipity. I started with helping my friend who wanted to shift to self hosted site, then she left halfway due to personal problems and asked me take the hosting site off her hands. I was then sucked into the whole rigmarole.
      Thank you. it was nice to hear you were impressed, though instagram was hard work and now this website is too as there is quite a bit of work to be done.
      I have had some ups and downs in life but hoping to be back to blogging and managing life and time much better.
      How have you and Sir been?

    1. Ooh Carla, I hope you like it. The one i got from NG was not well formatted, so I never understood when the story jumped to past and present. It was not like the earlier book.

  2. Great review, sorry to hear that you weren’t a big fan of the book. It does sound good, but reading your review… things could have been better. Also not a fan of too much ruminations in books.

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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