
Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Reviews

The Mother's Fault by Nicole Trope @bookouture

Digital Reads Reviews is a blog haven for book and tech posts. This is a review of a psychological thriller. @Shalini_G26

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The mother's fault



I am cooking spaghetti, his favourite, while he plays in the garden. 

But when I look up, he’s gone. 

I call the police, my hands shaking so much that I hit the wrong digits twice. ‘My son is missing.’

When the police turn up, I’m trapped in the web of my lies.

I have hidden the truth from eight-year-old Riley, my little boy who loves climbing trees and always has scraped knees. 

I have hidden my secret from everyone.

Riley knows his father is dead but he has no idea why. 

He doesn’t know his dad’s real name, and there are no pictures in the house. 

Not a single person knows what happened eight years ago.

I love my son more than anything but the truth is, I have always feared for him. 

When the first gift arrived in our mailbox, wrapped in blue paper with silver stars, I realised I was right to be afraid.

Now, I can see the question in the detectives’ eyes. 

Am I a mother with a missing child or a mother with a lot to hide? 

I need them to save my son – but how much can I tell them without losing him forever

My Review

The Mother’s Fault was an intriguing story where author Nicole Trope allowed the different pieces of the subplots to fall onto the prose, then carefully stitched them together. 

Though a missing child trope, it didn’t exactly fit with it. There was no mystery in where the child was but only in who kidnapped him. Beverley, as the mother, felt to be apt in the role of the over protective mother with a difficult child. I loved her zeal and need to keep her son safe. 

In some ways, the story was predictable, as once I got to hear the different POVs, the halfway point let me know where the pieces of the relationships would fall. 

The characters were not likable, at least for me, the dog in the book was super-fun and cute. And the most intelligent too. Overall, the book was entertaining.

I liked it

Book Links

As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store.

AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/3ATuHfA

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/2Z6Q0O7

Book Details

Publication Date: October 2021

I downloaded the digital version of the book from NetGalley, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

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