
Digital Reads Reviews

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Not My Child by Samantha King

Reads Reviews is a blog-haven for book posts and tech tips. This is a review of a suspenseful thriller.
Picture of Shalini
not my child

Publication Date: July 2022

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I love him as my own, but is he mine to keep?

The playground is the last place I thought you would make your move. It was my Billy’s first day at school. It was supposed to be a happy one.

But then you turned up. I remembered you instantly from the hospital wing. Our babies born on the same day. Both premature. Both needing intensive care.

While Billy grew stronger day by day, your baby sadly slipped away.

But now you’re back with one devastating accusation… Billy isn’t my son at all, he’s yours.

And you’ve come to take him away.

My Review

What was it all about

Not My Child by Samantha King was a suspenseful mystery. 

Ruth got a shock of her life when a woman declared that Billy was in fact not Ruth’s son but hers.

The woman vowed to get Billy back at all costs.

How it made me feel - The Good

A different sort of missing child plot theme where the child was present, yet missing. 

The intrigue of the story was in trying to find out who was telling the truth. 

A lot of twists and turns along with doubts about paternity made this book suspenseful. 

The ending was what made this book worth it. Didn’t expect it at all. 

The Bad

What a simple DNA could prove or disprove, it took the book 350+ pages of words. All to find out whose child was Billy. 

The characters were all silly, lacking in depth. 

The writing had unnecessary suspense added to it, even there was no need for Ruth to be so jumpy.  

The Conclusion

A twisted end, but the rest could have been much better. 

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

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