Q&A with the uber author James J. Cudney IV @jamescudney4 #BookBlogger #authorinterview

A haven for books is my blog where I post my reviews and bookish events. This is the interview with one of my favorite authors.
Book Review and Q&A – The Place We Call Home by Faith Hogan @gerhogan @BOTBSPublicity #BookReview #BlogTour #contemporary #authorinterview

Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour One of the most heart warming books which made me sigh and hold my kindle closer after reading it. I could see the author’s writing, sparkling like the sun’s rays on the surface of the gentle stream. There was something so […]
Blog Tour – Still with Robbie Yates

I have Robbie with yet for one more conversation, this time to listen to his heart speak. 1. Do you plan to write a book for teenagers? A novel of 300 odd pages? The Day I Ate My Teacher has a bit more absurd humor that will appeal to pre-teens and early teens, and The […]
Blog Tour – In Conversation with Robbie Yates

Welcome to my blog again. An honor to have you. It’s an honor to be back! 1. Robbie, we know poems make you tick and you are a children’s author. A good one at that. Tell me how do you get ideas for a book? Great question. Lots of my ideas come to me when […]
Blog Tour – Still in conversation with Steve Moretti

I am still talking…err grilling Author Steve Moretti Digital Reads Blog Tours presents Steve Moretti 1. Your most difficult scene to write in the book? Hmm, good question! There are quite a few that got re-written based on comments from early readers. Most didn’t like Adeena’s present-day boyfriend Philippe in early drafts. I made quite […]
Interview with James J. Cudney IV, Author of Father Figure @jamescudney4
Hey guys! Grab a drink and some munchies. This is gonna be one heck of a ride!! Outrageous flirting all from my side, funny answers from his side, and few occasional quips!! Join us!! This was supposed to be a short interview, till it became super long like an essay, and now it is transformed […]